Snappy Spanish

Short stories, Fast learning

Snappy Spanish – have fun learning Spanish in 5 minutes a day

Snappy Spanish has been designed to help you learn Spanish faster through short stories.

Short stories are great to use for self study and help to improve your listening, reading, comprehension and vocabulary. With the English translation next to each story it helps to understand and carry on reading when you get stuck.

To make learning more convenient, we have uploaded a bigger range of stories into our Snappy Spanish app. It’s free to download and can be used anywhere, anytime.

The following table shows the layout of the grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures.

Read our full range of stories on the Snappy Spanish App

LevelGrammarFlashcard VocabularySentence Structure
BeginnerRegular, Irregular and Reflexive verbs in the Present - Verbos Regulares, Irregulars y Reflexives en el Presente
Immediate Future - Presente Próximo
Present Progressive - Presente Progesivo
Simple wordsShort
ElementarySimple Past - Pretérito Simple
Imperfect Past - Pretérito Imperfecto
Present Perfect - Presente Perfecto
Simple Future - Futuro Simple
Direct and Indirect Objects - Objetos directos e indirectos
Conditional - Condicional
Common wordsShort to medium
IntermediatePast Perfect - Pluscuamperfecto
Conditional Perfect - Condicional Perfecto
Imperative - Imperativo
Present Subjunctive - Presente del SubjuntivoPresent
Perfect Subjunctive - Presente Perfecto Subjuntivo
Common words that are more difficultMedium
Upper IntermediateImperfect Subjunctive - Imperfecto del SubjuntivoPast Perfect Subjunctive - Pluscuamperfecto Subjuntivo
Indirect Speech - Discurso Indirecto
Uncommon/specialised wordsMedium to long

Read our full range of stories on the Snappy Spanish App